E Il Topo Open Call

Careof DOCVA

The blind man and E Il Topo, happening with fog by Gabriele Di Matteo, Piero Gatto, Franco Silvestro, Vedovamazzei, for the issue N°0 presentation in Viafarini, Milan 1992.

E Il Topo
Open Call


E IL TOPO, in collaboration with CAREOF DOCVA Milan and SUPPORTICO LOPEZ Berlin, calls for submissions for its Number 12 titled “Re-Birth”:

E IL TOPO – art magazine published between 1992–1996 with Piero Cavellini “Edizioni Nuovi Strumenti” from an idea by Gabriele Di Matteo, Franco Silvestro and Vedovamazzei—has proposed unedited projects, conceived to be seen exclusively through its pages. With the contributions of artists such as Art Club 2000, Stefano Arienti, Massimo Bartolini, Maurizio Cattelan, Vanessa Beecroft, Mark Dion, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Eva Marisaldi, Grazia Toderi, among others, E IL TOPO has prophetically recorded the spirit and attitude of a generation of artists which, at that time, was about to achieve definitive international recognition both by the critique and the public.

The 12th issue will be produced in 2012, sixteen years after the publication of the last issue of the magazine in collaboration with CAREOF DOCVA and SUPPORTICO LOPEZ. This new number wants to show from the beginning a strong sense of continuity, and at the same time of innovation, in relation with the last edition.

The open call is for the retrieval of photographic material, more specifically portraits, of personalities from the art world who passed away along the last 16 years, thus in the lapse of time in which E IL TOPO disappeared without a trace. Each submission should make clear the source of the submitted image; unpublished images in 300dpi are preferred. The collected material will be successively selected and displayed in the magazine, which will be presented March 27th after a workshop and a one-month series of events in Milan at Careof DOCVA. From February 29th to March 27th the venue, will work as the headquarters of E IL TOPO.

You can download the complete guidelines and application form at www.careof.org

Please send your submission to redazione@eiltopo.org before February 26, 2012

Careof is an Italian non-profit organization for the promotion of contemporary artistic research founded in 1987 in Cusano Milanino (Milan). Since the beginning, Careof’s activity has concentrated on two primary topics, developed over the following years. On the one hand, Careof is designed as a space open to artistic and cultural experimentation. On the other, is an original center for the archiving and documentation of different artists’ materials available for the consultation by the general public at DOCVA Documentation Center for Visual Arts.

A very important goal was reached in 2006, when the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali included Careof in the nationally relevant Historical Archives.

In 2001 Careof moved at Fabbrica del Vapore, a multidisciplinary cultural center in Milan, where, in addition to the activity of promoting and documenting contemporary art, the organization started a residency program. www.careof.org, www.docva.org

Supportico Lopez was born in Naples in 2003 as the project of two artists and a curator who decided to have a room in their flat open to public exhibitions of international artists. The project continued to be run along the years by Gigiotto Del Vecchio—one of the founders—and Stefania Palumbo as a curatorial space for contemporary art diffusion, taking its name from the street in which it was located in Naples, in one of the oldest and most characteristic and most contradictory districts of the city: “la Sanità”.

In 2008 Supportico Lopez decided to start a new life again, moving away to Berlin. Here, in the new space in Graefestrasse 9 in Kreuzberg, the aim is to be a gallery in which both directors’ curatorial attitude will become more and more a peculiarity. www.supporticolopez.com
