10 years of drawing inspiration from the Everglades

Why is it SO difficult to get a response from anyone involved with this National Park program??? I gave up after two years of unanswered phone calls (to a listed phone number) and emails that went to who I don’t know. Having some funding from the Knight Foundation should help the programming, which I assume really exists.

There are artist-in-residency programs at National Parks throughout the national park system.

So, your editor decided to create his own artist-in-residency at Anne Kolb Nature Center, a Broward County park which is the site of an important mangrove estuary. (Updates and images from Shabaka’s ongoing project can be seen on his online art portfolio: www.art3st.com

10 years of drawing inspiration from the Everglades:

“Artists long have looked at the Everglades with wonder. Over time, realistic portrayals of its spectacular landscapes — including the photography of local Clyde Butcher — have given way to contemporary abstraction and performance art inspired by the River of Grass and the modern pressures facing it and, metaphorically, the world beyond.”

(Via MiamiHerald.com: Visual Arts & Architecture.)