"Don't Call Me Pretty"

"Don't Call Me Pretty" - panel discussion

Concurrently with the exhibition Pan American Art Projects will be hosted a panel discussion with their exhibition, "Don’t Call Me Pretty," that was SRO. The evening opening was seen as a very good sign for the District. The panel also gave us a great sense of change that has been building that the art playing field is truly becoming equal at all levels.

The phrase can be traced back to Plato’s Republic, and was later employed by Cicero. In the early 1700s King Friedrich I of Prussia inscribed The Order of the Black Eagle with “Suum Cuique”. When Buchenwald concentration camp was constructed in 1937 the Nazis used the phrase “Jedem das Seine” on the camp’s main entrance gate. In 2009 several modern German advertising campaigns used the phrase to promote their products; after serious protest from the Central Council of Jews in Germany the ads were withdrawn. Words that once inspired now represent the oppression of a people. Taking into consideration the artist’s German heritage, the underlying motivation of the work comes to surface.