Curator On List of High Stress, Low Pay Jobs

Curator On List of High Stress, Low Pay Jobs:

Jason Andrew, left, with Guggenheim director Richard Armstrong at Tworkov exhibition

Jason Andrew, left, with Guggenheim director Richard Armstrong at Tworkov exhibition

“Curators probably won’t find this surprising.

The profession is among the 15 most stressful, worst paying careers, according to CNNMoney’s website.

Median curator pay: $46,500. Stress factor: 89% say they’ve got it.

Not on the list:  art dealer, museum director, auction house executive or art adviser.

Other high stress, low pay jobs are probation officer, minister and yes, reporter, according to the article.

The story features curator Jason Andrew, who works with the Jack Tworkov estate. Article found here.”

(Via Lindsay Pollock.)