The Africans of Renaissance Europe
The selection of paintings and sculpture at the Princeton University Art Museum examines the many roles that Africans, both free and slaves, played in 16th century Europe.
art in and around South Florida
The selection of paintings and sculpture at the Princeton University Art Museum examines the many roles that Africans, both free and slaves, played in 16th century Europe.
This Is Saturn’s Behemoth Hurricane: “NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured what the agency calls a ‘behemoth’ hurricane on Saturn that has been churning for years. With a 1,250-mile-wide eye, the hurricane
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Miami Gallery Locust Projects Celebrates 15 Years With Spring Fling: “Locust Projects’ upcoming Spring Fling marks its 15th birthday, but this entire year will serve as one fluid celebration for
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Española Way Art Center Closing After 25 Years: “For the past two decades, thousands of visitors wandering South Beach’s lovely but touristy Española Way have stumbled into the 405 building
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Avis Collins Robinson has first major exhibit in Key West: “A Key West gallery hosts the first major exhibit of Avis Collins Robinson’s very personal and stunning work.” (Via
Continue readingAvis Collins Robinson has first major exhibit in Key West